Explore DUPR in Your Preferred Language!

June 16, 2024
1 minute

We're pleased to share an important step forward in our efforts towards global accessibility. DUPR, already available in English and Vietnamese, is now accessible in more languages on both our web platform and mobile app. Users can now navigate DUPR more easily and comfortably in the following languages:

  • Simplified and Traditional Chinese
  • Spanish

Did you know that DUPR is the world's only global rating system? With over 3,500 clubs in more than 158 countries, DUPR provides accurate pickleball ratings to everyone, regardless of age or gender.

By expanding our language options, it's easier than ever for users worldwide to engage with DUPR. It’s important to us to create more opportunities for everyone to benefit from the platform. It's all about bringing people together to play the game we all love: pickleball. 

We're not stopping here! Our team is already focused on adding additional languages to enhance our global presence. Stay tuned for future updates!

How to Use the Feature

Switching languages on DUPR is easy! Whether you're using our website or mobile app, simply click on your profile to find the settings menu in the upper right corner of the page. Then, locate the language option, and select your desired language. Make sure your app is updated to see the available languages. 

To learn more about our recent updates, visit our blog on reliability score!

More Posts For You

July 9, 2024

A Step-By-Step Guide for Staying Hydrated & Preventing Pickleball Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can ruin your pickleball game. They strike without warning, leaving you sidelined and frustrated. But there's good news: you can prevent them with the right approach.

Pickleball players face unique challenges inthe summer heat. Long matches, intense rallies, and scorching temperatures create a perfect storm for dehydration and cramping. We'll explore why this happens and how to stop it.

By the end, you'll have a clear plan to stay hydrated and cramp-free. Let's dive in and keep you on the court all summer long.

Understanding the Cramp Culprits

Many players instinctively blame dehydration for their muscle cramps, but the reality is more nuanced. While hydration certainly plays a crucial role, muscle fatigue is an equally important factor often overlooked. 

Dehydration can indeed trigger cramps, but simply drinking water isn't always the solution. 

Electrolyte imbalance can cause cramping even if you're well-hydrated, which is why smart replenishment strategies are essential. Moreover, as muscles fatigue during intense play, the nerve signals controlling contractions can become disrupted, leading to involuntary spasms.

Research has shown that cramp-prone athletes tend to lose more sodium through sweat, making thoughtful hydration particularly crucial for pickleball players battling the summer heat. Studies have also demonstrated that electrolyte-rich sports drinks fortified with carbohydrates are significantly more effective than water alone in delaying the onset of cramps. 

By addressing both hydration and muscle fatigue, you'll dramatically reduce your risk of cramps. Let's dive into practical steps to keep you playing at your best.

Hydration: More Than Just Water

While chugging plain water before a match might seem like a smart move, it can sometimes backfire. Excessive water intake without proper electrolyte balance can actually dilute your body's mineral concentrations, potentially increasing your cramp risk.

Instead, focus on a more strategic approach:

  • Consume a sports drink containing electrolytes 2-4 hours before play to prime your system.
  • During activity, aim to replace 16-20 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight lost through sweat.
  • Consider using a hydration tracking app or smart water bottle to ensure you're hitting your targets.

Grab the Ultimate Pickleball Hydration guide for more information on pre-, during, and post-match hydration. It includes a special formula for determining exactly how much fluid you need to consume every 15-20 minutes to stay in peak form on the court.


Proper hydration not only prevents cramps but also enhances overall performance and speeds up recovery between games. By fine-tuning your hydration strategy, you'll gain a significant advantage on the court. 

However, hydration is just one piece of the puzzle – let's explore another crucial factor in cramp prevention.

Fueling for Success

The role of nutrition in preventing muscle cramps is often underestimated, but it's a critical component, especially during grueling tournament play. Proper fueling keeps your muscles energized and less prone to fatigue-induced cramping.

To optimize your nutritional strategy:

  • Consume a balanced meal rich in complex carbohydrates 3-4 hours before play to build up your energy reserves.
  • During tournaments, snack on easily digestible carbs every 60-90 minutes to maintain steady energy levels.
  • Consider using carb-electrolyte gels between games for a quick boost when time is limited.

These tactics help keep your glycogen stores topped up, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue that can lead to cramping. While pickleball may not be as intense as ultra-endurance sports, the principle of consistent fueling still applies. Research on team sport athletes suggests consuming 30 - 60g of carbs per hour during prolonged activity – adapt this to your specific needs and playing duration. 

By fueling smartly, you're helping your muscles function optimally and resist fatigue. This translates directly to fewer cramps and improved performance, especially in those crucial late-game moments. But there's one more vital element we need to address to complete your cramp-prevention arsenal.

Training for Resilience

Your overall fitness level plays a significant role in how susceptible you are to cramping. The less conditioned you are, the faster fatigue sets in, increasing your risk of muscle spasms. This is especially true when you push beyond your usual intensity or duration of play.

To build cramp-resistant muscles:

  • Gradually increase your pickleball training volume and intensity over time to improve your stamina.
  • Incorporate resistance training into your overall fitness routine to improve strength, power, and stamina on the court.
  • Don't neglect overall cardiovascular fitness – it's the foundation of your on-court endurance.

A well-rounded training program complements your hydration and nutrition efforts, creating a powerful trifecta of cramp prevention. Together, these strategies form a comprehensive approach to keeping you on the court and off the sidelines.

The Takeaway

Preventing muscle cramps requires a holistic approach that addresses hydration, nutrition, and fitness. By implementing the strategies we've discussed, you'll significantly reduce your risk of cramping and elevate your game, even in the most challenging summer conditions.


Pratik Patel

Erik Korem, PhD

July 7, 2024

What is Pickleball?

What is Pickleball?

Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has seen a remarkable rise in popularity in recent years. layed on a court with a low net, players hit a perforated plastic ball over the net with a paddle. The game can be played as singles or doubles, making it a versatile and engaging sport suitable for all ages and skill levels.

The Role of DUPR

One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of pickleball is DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) system. DUPR’s unique pickleball rating system helps players assess their skill level and find suitable opponents to compete against. By analyzing player performance and game results, DUPR provides an accurate rating that allows players to improve and compete at their appropriate level.

Pickleball's Celebrity Appeal

Despite its rise in popularity, pickleball retains its reputation as a fun and social sport. Notable athletes and celebrities such as former NBA player Shaquille O'Neal, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, and former President Barack Obama, have taken up pickleball as a recreational activity. Their involvement highlights pickleball’s lure as a way to stay active, connect with others, and engage in a new form of competition. 

Accessibility and Community

Pickleball’s straightforward rules, accessible equipment, and welcoming community, make it easy to learn and enjoy. Whether players are seeking a casual game with friends or competitive matches against experienced opponents – pickleball caters to a wide range of preferences. The sport’s popularity has led to an increase in tournaments, leagues, and organized play opportunities for individuals of all skill levels. 

Find out more about DUPR events to start your pickleball journey today!

Global Expansion 

Pickleball’s success isn’t limited to the U.S.. It’s been  gaining traction around the world – from Canada, to Europe, to Australia, to Asia, China, in particular, has been promoting pickleball with the help of The International Pickleball Federation (IFP). The Sports and Fitness Industry Association trade group reports that pickleball's player base surged from 3.5 million in 2019 to 8.9 million by 2022, with UBS analysts projecting a further increase to 22 million players in 2023.

A Sport for Everyone 

Pickleball is a dynamic and thrilling sport that is capturing the interest of individuals worldwide. With the help of the DUPR rating system and the participation of renowned athletes, pickleball is emerging as a favored pastime for people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Whether players are seasoned athletes seeking a new challenge or beginners looking for social and enjoyable activity, pickleball offers an inclusive and engaging experience that is definitely worth a try. 


DUPR is the #1 trusted pickleball rating system in the industry, trusted by the world's leading clubs, tournaments, leagues, and players. DUPR's dynamic rating system unifies pickleball across age, gender, and location by analyzing match results to accurately evaluate all players across a 2.000 - 8.000 scale. 

Visit www.dupr.com to sign up and learn more. 

June 16, 2024

Explore DUPR in Your Preferred Language!

We're pleased to share an important step forward in our efforts towards global accessibility. DUPR, already available in English and Vietnamese, is now accessible in more languages on both our web platform and mobile app. Users can now navigate DUPR more easily and comfortably in the following languages:

  • Simplified and Traditional Chinese
  • Spanish

Did you know that DUPR is the world's only global rating system? With over 3,500 clubs in more than 158 countries, DUPR provides accurate pickleball ratings to everyone, regardless of age or gender.

By expanding our language options, it's easier than ever for users worldwide to engage with DUPR. It’s important to us to create more opportunities for everyone to benefit from the platform. It's all about bringing people together to play the game we all love: pickleball. 

We're not stopping here! Our team is already focused on adding additional languages to enhance our global presence. Stay tuned for future updates!

How to Use the Feature

Switching languages on DUPR is easy! Whether you're using our website or mobile app, simply click on your profile to find the settings menu in the upper right corner of the page. Then, locate the language option, and select your desired language. Make sure your app is updated to see the available languages. 

To learn more about our recent updates, visit our blog on reliability score!
